Graduates Unit

Graduates Unit


The unit aims to communicate with the graduates of University of Basrah - College of Medicine to achieve the following goals:
1. Establishing a database for the graduates  of University of Basrah - College of Medicine and identifying their social and personal life path when they enter the fields of work and the extent to which they attain advanced levels in various aspects, medically, socially, culturally and administratively.
2. Obtaining feedback on the needs of the labor market and the required change or development in the school curricula.
3. Helping graduates meet their field needs by holding courses and seminars to develop their practical capabilities and leadership skills.
4. Maintaining and strengthening links with the graduates and inviting them to the college, especially those who hold leadership positions, to convey their practical experience to the college students and benefit from them in the college’s future plans.
5. Communicate with the institutions in which they work to get acquainted with their views on the performance of the graduates, as they are the beneficiaries of the outputs of the College of Medicine in Basrah.
6. Facilitate conducting studies and surveys aimed at solving problems that concern the college, graduates, or society as a whole.
7. Informing the graduates of the college's activities, achievements and researches.


Vision of Graduates Unit

Maintaining the relationship with the college graduates in a way that achieves the maximum benefit for both sides.

Message Graduates Unit

Providing services to graduates to solve their problems, benefit from their expertise, and be proud of what they have achieved in their fields of work.

Committee formation

1. Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs - President
2. A member of the college  who is interested in quality and accreditation
3. Media Unit Manager
4. Information technician (2 members)
5. A representative of the graduates (2 members)

The graduate joined the graduates group of the University of Basrah - College of Medicine on Facebook

Communicate with graduates

Unit registration form

Graduates Unit structure

Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs - President
A member of faculty who is interested in quality and accreditation 
Information Technology (2 members)
Graduates representative (2 members)

Inform the graduates of the college news

Medical College News

Graduates questionnaire

From the interest of the University of Basrah to provide the best for its graduates, and our belief that providing job opportunities is the first goal that the university seeks to achieve for its graduates in order to obtain the highest ranks, the University of Basrah hopes that its graduates will complete the questionnaire below in order to identify the most important obstacles in the field of employment and to have a good opportunity to work in the public and private sectors.